Thursday, August 14, 2008

Off to Spinning School

Lofty Fibres is off to a working vacation, in lovely Haliburton, Ontario. Yours truly will be taking Level 1 of the Ontario Handweavers and Spinners' Guild's Spinning Certificate.

I have no idea what I'm in for. Fellow Ravellers who are going have next to no experience, and years of experience.

Here's my latest, half-done project. I'm taking these along for some plyng practice.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A little gift for my hardworking wheel

Was playing around at being crafty the last couple of days. My JourneyWheel, Lapis Monique, is the beneficiary of a crafty little brainfart, so she can now accessorize with whatever she is spinning.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Back At It.

This roving makes me think of Cirque du Soleil's big tent.

The Lofty blog is not abandoned, but the blogger has been busy with life. Not much is moving on the Etsy store front so there's been no urgency about dyeing. Meanwhile, I did get Monique (the Journeywheel) out from where she'd been hiding from the painters for a couple of weeks, and we've made a start on Kit 2A of the Bellwether's Fab Fibre Clu

Made a small start on it, about 1/4 or a bit more.